A learning-based blog for students. New additions to the blog will focus on asteroids and other random bits of info. Questions are welcome on any relevant post.
Scylla & Charybdis - Asteroid Astrology
I’ve been on a bit of a jaunt with tentacle-bearing monsters of late and figured I’d continue the theme here after being reminded of a particular pair of asteroids. These two don’t need to be looked at as a pair, although the midpoint between the two could be symbolic; I dunno. We’ll see. Scylla and Charybdis
Ariadne & Dionysus in Astrology
Ariadne (43) was discovered at the Radcliffe Observatory in Oxford (UK) by N. R. Pogson on the 15th of April, 1857. Dionysus (3671) was discovered much later on the 27th of May, 1984, by Carolyn and Gene Shoemaker at the Palomar Observatory in San Diego County (USA). Both have an orbital period of slightly over 3 years,
Chiron - By sign and house position
The mythology behind the names of planets and asteroids is a useful way to find the meaning, or their interpretation, in the birth chart. We can get the gist of something better if we can see the bigger picture, and understanding the reasons behind something can help to digest what may be a difficult pill to swallow. Chiron was born to an
Talking About Saturn
In the birth chart, Saturn represents authority and maturity; he is the archetypal Victorian father who is stern yet provides for his family and offers security and reliability. His actions are based on his own father's, and he follows tradition and regulations without questioning those higher up the ladder. He can be cold and
Planets Conjunct the Nodes
A quick note on delineation The sign the planet is in will modify and refine an interpretation, e.g. Mercury in Aries on the south node would indicate that aggressive communication causes problems and needs to be transformed into direct and assertive rather than antagonistic. A point worth mentioning
The Nodes through the Signs
The nodes are a theoretical point in the birth chart. They show the past (south) and the future (north). A full nodal cycle takes about 18 years and is known as your nodal return; it can mark periods that are significant in breaking further away from your past and moving you toward the future. In synastry,
Pisces is ruled by Neptune. Common associations are the colour sea green, and the number 7. It rules the feet on the physical body, and its symbol is the fishes. The sign is connected to dreams, visions, and the concept of the collective unconscious. Its keywords are I believe. Pisces, as a sign, is sensitive to the environment
Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. Common associations are the colour electric blue, and green turquoise, and the number 4. It rules the lower legs and circulation in the physical body. Its zodiac symbol is the water bearer. The sign is connected to humanitarianism, groups, ideals, and friendship. Its keywords are I know. Aquarians are the freedom
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Common associations are the colours black, brown, and dark blue, and the number 8. It rules the teeth, skin, and bones of the physical body. Its zodiac symbol is the goat. The sign is connected to status, career, and traditions. Its keywords are I use. Capricorn is another traditionally boring
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Common associations are the colour royal blue and the number 3. It rules the hips, thighs, and sciatic nerve in the physical body. Its zodiac symbol is the centaur. The sign is connected to expanding horizons, both metaphorical and physical. Its keywords are I see. What can I say about
Scorpio is ruled by Pluto. Common associations are the colours blood red, black, and turquoise, and the number 0. It rules the nose, blood, the colon, and genitals in the physical body. Its zodiac symbol is the scorpion. The sign is connected to sex, death, and transformation. Its keywords are I desire. Scorpio probably has the worst
Libra, like Taurus, is ruled by Venus. Common associations are all pastel colours, and the number 6. It rules the kidneys and the lower back of the physical body. Its zodiac symbol is the scales. The sign is connected to relationships, balance, and fairness. Its keywords are I balance. Libra is the peacemaker of the zodiac
Virgo is ruled by Mercury. Common associations are the colour pale green, and the number 5. It rules the small intestines in the physical body; its zodiac symbol is the virgin. The sign is connected to health, service, and efficiency. Its keywords are I analyse. Labelled a boring sign, it can be hard to write anything exciting or
Leo is ruled by the Sun itself. Common associations are the colour orange, and the number 1. It rules the heart and spine in the physical body, and its zodiac symbol is the lion. The sign is connected to creativity and children. Its keywords are I will. Leo is said to be the most generous sign of the zodiac and is known to lavish
Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Common associations are the colour silvery pearl, and the number 2. It rules the breasts of the physical body, and its zodiac symbol is the crab. The sign is connected to nurturing and feminine mysteries. Its keywords are I feel. Cancer is the sign of the home, and whilst children belong
Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Common associations are the colour yellow, and the number 5. It rules the hands, arms and lungs in the physical body, its zodiac symbol is the twins. The sign is connected to communication and information. Its keywords are I think. Geminis are often the ones who remind you that life doesn’t
Taurus is ruled by Venus. Common associations are pastel colours, and the number 6. It rules the neck and throat in the physical body; its zodiac symbol is the bull. The sign is connected to comfort, art, and values. Its keywords are I have. The image of the bull represents the typical Taurean temper which is fairly
Ruled by Mars; common associations are the colour red, and the number 9. It rules the head on the physical body. Its zodiac symbol is the ram. The sign is connected to action, adventure, war, survival, and competition. Its keywords are I am. Aries as the first sign of the zodiac contains the energy needed
The Problem with Astrology Forums
I hung out in various astrology forums on the net for well over fifteen years; there are now various groups on social networks such as Facebook too. I've always liked the idea of having places online where you can meet up with like-minded individuals to share knowledge, but as with all things in life,
The Problem with Astrologers
Astrology is not unique in that its practitioners can vary in their level of skill, sanity, and ability to communicate. Unfortunately from what I've seen; good astrologers will often struggle to make their voices heard above the noise that is produced by those who are more adept at self-promotion.