Symbolism & Iconography in Art
Explore your emotions with the symbolic meanings in contemporary artwork. Learn how to identify the signs of your core self to inspire emotional growth.
Stains Don’t Always Come Out in the Wash
There were two reasons I was drawn to this image. The first was obvious; I liked the picture. The second was more of a kick in the belly from the cosmos, the ones that leave you wondering what the fuck you did to be taunted so mercilessly by life itself. I felt drawn to the title and the concept;
Our Last Love Song
Although there was probably some transference in play, I felt like I'd been thumped when I first saw this picture. This image is harsh on my emotions; does the addition of the title help to nail its impact? I've loved many songs that speak of the impending doom of separation. But, how often
Now and again, I come across an image slightly different from what usually draws my attention. It will usually represent a once familiar tune that no longer plays, but the memory of the dance it inspired will rattle through my body. Sometimes it creates discomfort, and at other times, joy.
What Really Remains
Tis a grim place to be. And I’ve sat there once or twice myself. Once, not all that long ago. I went to re-read the diary entry that I’d written under the influence of this picture when it first appeared in my life; it was appropriately titled “Fucked Off”. Back then,