The Hierophant
Traditional Meaning
Traditions and routine. Reliability and steadfastness. Conventional religion and orthodox views.
Going Deeper
The Hierophant is quite a pleasant card to get. It brings a certain kind of peacefulness to the whole reading. If it signifies a person, it is someone who is usually very solid. You can rely on The Hierophant to get or give you much-needed help. It shows consistency and trust are essential to the person it represents. There is fertility around this card, which says that things are growing around you. Due to the Taurus connection, The Hierophant can suggest a need to get outside and connect with nature. The earthy feel of this card is about being natural and taking a simple approach. Whilst the card is far from shallow, it tells us to stay away from complexities and not read into things too deeply. It shows acceptance and a need to relax with current situations and that there is no need to be suspicious. If conditions are breeding mistrust, The Hierophant asks you to consider what is significant. If there isn't trust and security, you need to remove yourself until you can see clearly and maybe consider why you deny yourself the right to feel safe. It doesn't matter which level that may be; emotional, mental, physical or psychic. Insecurity in others is infectious and a disease none of us have to expose ourselves to. On the highest level, this card indicates something sent by the Gods, a situation meant to be and a real chance of making something work. When it signifies a relationship, it has the potential to be a divine marriage that can withstand the test of time. But by far, the most important word of this card is trust; without it, you can't have what the Hierophant offers.
Astro Insight
The sign of Taurus.
Examples With Other Cards
Pentacles: With any of the pentacle cards, you need to work hard to stabilise yourself financially. If things are good, then put some by for a rainy day. The positive pentacle cards will indicate success coming forward and an opportunity for further growth. Cups: Relationships will be blessed with loyalty. With the five and eight, if you are worried about someone important, the Hierophant tells you that the relationship will survive. There is a deep commitment here despite difficulties. You can trust in the joy with the two, three, nine, and ten. Wands: Brings out the more spiritual side of the Hierophant, beliefs could be meaningful, and there is more importance to current events than you realise. Empress: A good relationship is indicated by these two showing close together. Tower: There could be disruptions to your stability; look at where the Tower falls to give the area of life and to the Hierophant for establishing stability. Sun: A lot of happiness and a real feel-good time coming, finding joy in routines and being comfortable. World: Achieving things of importance on the physical levels, taking a significant step forward.
To Help Yourself or Give Advice To Clients
The Hierophant can be a reassuring card for those on a 'spiritual' path because it suggests an alignment with the higher aspect of the soul's path. If that sounds unnecessarily fluffy, you could say it means living by one's ethics.
Common Associations
The element earth. The colour light pink. The ability to manifest creative energy through cooking, art, the garden, and singing. Stones of rose quartz and also malachite.
- 0 The Fool
- 01 The Magician
- 02 The High Priestess
- 03 The Empress
- 04 The Emperor
- 05 The Hierophant
- 06 The Lovers
- 07 The Chariot
- 08 Strength
- 09 The Hermit
- 10 The Wheel of Fortune
- 11 Justice
- 12 The Hanged Man
- 13 Death
- 14 Temperance
- 15 The Devil
- 16 The Tower
- 17 The Star
- 18 The Moon
- 19 The Sun
- 20 Judgement
- 21 The World